Ladies 6th Team
Sat 12 Oct 2024  ·  Moor Women's Division 1
Huddersfield Dragons 3
City of York Hockey Club
Ladies 6th Team
Ladies 6s vs Huddersfield Dragons

Ladies 6s vs Huddersfield Dragons

Roxanne Cussons14 Oct - 12:20
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Match report by Beth Hunter

With Lucy K scoring in the first 15 minutes, the game was off to a great start. Soon after, Huddersfield Dragons score making the score even again. This didn’t stop York and morale was still high. Unfortunately with Huddersfield’s second goal, York was dragging behind suffering by from the lack of a goal keeper. A great run from Lucy K and Beth left defenders behind and just the goalie left. Oops… Beth misses the ball. Making up for the missed goal Beth scored the equalising point with a hit to the top left corner from the baseline. Sadly, Huddersfield manages to score in the remaining minutes of the game and a loss for York. A tough game with no goalie but very well played by all and a great team effort.

Match details

Match date

Sat 12 Oct 2024




Moor Women's Division 1

League position

City Of York 6
Huddersfield Dragons 3
Team overview
Further reading